The topic of discussion when people talk about plastic water bottles is mostly centered around concern regarding the environmental impact. The sad and unfortunate reality is not everyone cares about the the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment. Some people need issues like environmental waste to have a direct immediate impact on their life before taking action. But there is a solution to this problem: change the topic. With that being said, let’s discuss the poisons leached from the plastics of consumer goods and how they negatively affect your health. And, let’s talk about how you can save money by using water fountains.
Bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalates, and Antimony
Simply put, the plastic used in water bottles is slowly poisoning you.
Antimony, frequently found in PET plastic bottles, causes depression and dizziness in small doses, and nausea, vomiting and death in large doses. ¹
Phthalates, are most commonly used to make plastics like PVC more flexible. But did you know they’re also found in the majority of plastic beverage bottles? More importantly, phthalates are endocrine-disruptor chemicals linked to a wide range of reproductive and developmental issues (reduced sperm count, testicular abnormality and tumours, gender development issues). ²
Bisphenol A (BPA), is the chemical that makes plastic bottles hard and clear. BPA is yet another endocrine-disruptor chemical that’s proven to be a hazard to human health, and is associated to certain types of cancer, premature labour, defects in newborn babies, early puberty in girls, reduced fertility in women, and neurological difficulties. Keep in mind that’s just the short list. ³
Most bottled water companies are regulated by entities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who, a) don’t consider phthalates a human health hazard, b) perform weekly testing instead of daily testing like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and c) aren’t inclined to disclose their findings to the public records. ?
Save Your Life and Your Money
Less is more in certain situations, and in this case, buying less plastic water bottles equals more money in your pocket. Money is saved when less tax dollars are spent funding the FDAs of the world, when recycling costs are down, when you purchase a stainless steel water bottle once instead of 24 packs of plastic water bottles every week. And money is saved when you or your loved ones don’t have to see the doctor. In today’s world, drinking fountains and resource-friendly water coolers are enhancing the health benefits of water consumption. Water stations make it convenient and healthy to fill up your reciprocal and be on your way.
There are no excuses for not being able to follow this simple motto in the proper order:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refresh