
Together we can help reduce plastic waste in our environment

You can get in contact by filling in the form below and one of our Product Specialists will contact you shortly or you can CALL US on 1300 400 006 today. 

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    8-10 Giffard St
    Silverwater NSW 2128

    Postal Address
    PO Box 6346
    Silverwater NSW 1811
    P: 1300 400 006
    F: (61 2) 9737 0948

    Reduce  Reuse  Recycle  Refresh

    We supply a wide range of water drinking fountains with a range of options including dog bowls, chilled units, filtered units, green ticker to count the number of bottles saved from land fill and hygenic no touch sensor options.

    View the range


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    In the meantime, you can view the new and expanded Aquafil product range at

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